JayJei's Commissions :D

Commissions Open>> current slots: 0/5 <<



Regular Style

Flat Colors
Half Body/ Up: Php 400/ $7
Full Body: Php 480/ $10
Full Render
Half Body/ Up: Php 600/ $15
Full Body: Php 700/ $20
Base Prices are for Personal Use only.



Chibi Style

Flat Colors
Php 200/ $10
Full Render
Php 300/ $15
Base Prices are for Personal Use only.



By availing my commission service, you are agreeing to my term and conditions. Please read through carefully so we are both on the same page :]Artist. The commissions that I will produce will be posted/promoted on my social media unless requested otherwise.
If being posted, credits should be provided.
I have the right to decline any projects requested.
Artwork. This is mainly an Illustration Commission Service. Logos or Graphic Design heavy outputs are outside of the services I provide.
By default, it will have my watermark; Do not claim my work as yours.
Clear References. If possible, please provide clear instructions and references, images are preferred. Details will be discussed further within the client’s preferred contact.Contact. Clients are expected to communicate for the duration of the commission. It is to ensure that the output is up to expectations.
If unable to be contacted after 2 weeks, the service will be canceled.
Pricing. Base price is for Personal use only and it may vary depending on the complexity.
Commercial use will have an additional fee of x1.8.
Removal of my watermark will have an additional fee.
Payment Process. After initial discussion regarding the commission: Pay half of the negotiated price upfront for me to start a sketch; the rest shall be sent after the approved final draft.
The Commission will be canceled if no payments have been made after a week.
The commissions will be paid through InstaPay/Gcash (Transfer fees are shouldered by the client).
Down-payments are non-refundable.
All information shared shall be kept confidential.
Deadlines. The commission process might take within 1-2 weeks at best. The client will be informed if it will take longer. Progress updates will be sent for that matter.
Commissions with a tight deadline (1-3 days) will not be accepted.
Final Product. The final commission will be provided via Gdrive link.
Minor changes are possible. It will have a limit of 3 minimal changes.
Any sort of major changes will not be accepted.

---------I WILL NOT DRAW★ Realism
★ Mecha / Complicated Armor
★ Excessive Gore / Horror
★ Complicated Backgrounds
---------[Everything that aren't mentioned above can be negotiated]
[Do not hesitate to ask questions for any point of confusion]

Contact me through: